A.1 Snakemake Workflow

A.2 IMAP repos

Repo Description Status
IMAP-OVERVIEW IMAP project overview In-progress
IMAP-PART 01 Software requirement for microbiome data analysis with Snakemake workflows In-progress
IMAP-PART 02 Downloading and exploring microbiome sample metadata from SRA Database In-progress
IMAP-PART 03 Downloading and filtering microbiome sequencing data from SRA database In-progress
IMAP-PART 04 Quality Control of Microbiome Next Generation Sequencing Reads In-progress
IMAP-PART 05 Microbial profiling using MOTHUR and Snakemake workflows In-progress
IMAP-PART 06 Microbial profiling using QIIME2 and Snakemake workflows In-progress
IMAP-PART 07 Processing Output from 16S-Based microbiome bioinformatics pipelines In-progress
IMAP-PART 08 Exploratory Analysis of 16S-Based Microbiome Processed Data In-progress
IMAP-SUMMARY Summary of snakemake workflows for microbiome data analysis In-progress

A.3 Convert PNG2GIFF


png_path <- "figures/"
if (!dir.exists("gifski")) {dir.create("gifski")}

png_files <- list.files(path = png_path, pattern = "\\.png$", full.names = TRUE)

cat("\nThere are", length(png_files), "PNG files in the figures directory\n\n")

There are 45 PNG files in the figures directory

# Create a gifski object
gifski(png_files, gif_file = "gifski/PNG_animation.gif", loop = 2, delay = 3)
[1] "/Users/tmbmacbookair/Dropbox/2024/bs4_book/gifski/PNG_animation.gif"

A.4 Summary of session info

A.5 Extract session package names

# R script to extract package names from sessionInfo() and create a YAML file
session_info <- sessionInfo()
attached_packages <- session_info$otherPkgs

package_names <- names(attached_packages)

writeLines(package_names, "workflow/scripts/package_names.txt")

 [1] "gifski"    "scales"    "lubridate" "forcats"   "stringr"   "dplyr"    
 [7] "purrr"     "readr"     "tidyr"     "tibble"    "ggplot2"   "tidyverse"

A.6 Demo installing multiple packages in R

R script

packages <- readLines(“package_names.txt”) install.packages(packages, repos = “https://cloud.r-project.org”)

Write installation status to a file

installed_packages <- rownames(installed.packages()) writeLines(installed_packages, “installed_packages.txt”)

Python script

import subprocess

with open(“package_names.txt”, “r”) as f: packages = f.read().splitlines()

for package in packages: subprocess.run([“pip”, “install”, package])

Write installation status to a file

installed_packages = subprocess.run([“pip”, “freeze”], capture_output=True, text=True).stdout with open(“installed_packages.txt”, “w”) as f: f.write(installed_packages)

Creating YAML file for R packages


channels <- c(“conda-forge”, “r”, “defaults”) # Add all potential channels here yaml_data <- list(name = “rpackages”, dependencies = paste0(“r-”, package_names))

write_yaml(yaml_data, “environment.yml”)

Snakemake rule to install packages rule install_packages: input: “package_names.txt”, “environment.yml” output: “installed_packages.txt” conda: “environment.yml” shell: ““” Rscript install_packages.R python install_packages.py ““” params: use_conda=“–use-conda”

A.7 Trouble shooting